9 Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight


1.    Inadequate Sleep – Sleeping less than 7 hours per night programs the brain to add energy to the body by creating caffeine and sugar cravings. Sugar cravings leading to excessive carb consumption is a disaster when it comes to weight loss. Caffeine intake, especially on an empty stomach, will stimulate the body to produce adrenalin. In response to adrenaline, the body will now produce the hormone cortisol. Cortisol in a catabolic hormone responsible for many things including the breakdown of lean muscle tissue and the deposition of belly fat! Let’s say that again, when you act in a way that stimulates your internal cortisol production, you break down lean muscle AND create mid-section belly fat!! If you have chronic sleep issues, a comprehensive Functional Medicine evaluation can help determine if they are related to lifestyle habits, hormonal imbalances, inadequate “sleepy” neurotransmitters (brain chemicals that assist in allowing the brain to shut-down), or some combination of these factors.
2.    Stress leading to Adrenal and Thyroid Dysregulation – Stress (dis-ease) has many undesirable health effects on the human body. Chronic stress disrupts one’s natural hormonal balance and can easily increase cortisol production! Stress also can lower the efficiency of our thyroid hormone by blocking the conversion of T4 to T3. The T3 hormone is what keeps the metabolism going! The net metabolic result is less lean muscle, more fat, and a slower metabolism. EVERYONE has some level of stress – learning how to manage it to avoid this destructive chemical cascade is key!
3.    Chronic Low-Level Dehydration– Water makes up about 65% of our body weight. Water is needed for the burning of fat. In simple terms, our liver is the organ that metabolizes fat, and our kidneys strain waste from the blood stream. When there is not enough water for the kidneys to function optimally, the liver needs to pitch in, diverting it from it’s fat burning duties. It should be noted that the majority of water consumption should occur between meals. Large amounts of water consumed with a meal will dilute your natural digestive acids and impair proper digestion, (see weight loss point number five below). Remember to add two extra glasses of water for each cup of coffee or serving of alcohol, as these are diuretic beverages.
4.    Food Allergies &/or Sensitivities– Food Allergies and Food Sensitivities contribute to tissue inflammation. Inflammation in the body can impair the functioning of the insulin receptor which is needed to burn sugars as fuel in the making of energy. Our bodies have two choices of what to do with fuel (aka food/calories): we can burn calories to make energy, or we can store caloric energy as fat. PPH offers a variety of food inflammation tests. Uncovering which foods can be causing inflammation is key to personalizing daily dietary choices. Food sensitivity panels are not only good knowledge for your waist line, but they be important for digestive efficiency, immune balance, energy levels, and overall wellbeing!
5.    Gut Absorption Issues– We have all heard the phrase “you are what you eat”, but in reality, we are what we absorb! Gut issues like inadequate stomach acid (HCL), yeast overgrowth, bacterial overgrowth (SIBO/SIFO), and H Pylori infections to name a few, all contribute to digestion and absorption issues. Without proper nutrients and nutrient absorption, the critical nutrition that metabolism depends on is impaired. An unbalanced gut or human microbiome also can significantly lead to internal inflammation, weight gain, and numerous other elevated health risks. PPH offers a variety of simple to cutting edge GI tests to assess GI composition and microbiome balance.
6.    Nutritional Inadequacy– Food is energy. Calories are a measure of energy. We burn our energy (protein, carbs, fats) with the help of many micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals). If we have too many calories and/or we are low on vital nutrients, we burn less calories and store more fat. The net result is fatigue and extra fat!
This test is a great start to know your unique nutritional needs.
7.     Genes– The Human Genome Project was completed in 2003. Since that time scientists have identified genes that predispose individuals to weight gain. Six of these genes have been tested regularly at PPH and targeted interventions have been provided. While successful and sustainable weight loss was achieved, the same interventions, using the latest science of body composition and metabolism have been applied to all my patients requesting weight loss strategies with similar rates of success, despite genetics. Over the years I have learned that in this category, (weight loss), diet and lifestyle is far more powerful than genetic predisposition. I myself actually have a number of fat genes but easily maintain 124 lbs at age 55 by applying the science of metabolism. It is because of these finding over the past three years that I no longer recommend spending $$ for this genetic profile when there are other genetic test that are far more beneficial for creating positive health outcomes. See the Genetics area under the Services tab on the PPH Website for more on the benefits of understanding how genetic knowledge can significantly improve health outcomes.

8.    Insulin Resistance(IR). Insulin and insulin sensitivity are critical factors in regulating blood sugar levels and in creating energy from food. Impaired insulin function not only leads to rising blood sugar levels which increase your risk of type two diabetes, but also contributes to cellular malnutrition. Insulin resistance is primarily caused by years of poor food choices. There are however, critical nutrients that aid the body in preventing IR. Adequate chromium, magnesium, ALA, and zinc levels top the list. Spectracell’s Micronutrient Test measures your personal adequacy with all of these nutrients, your glucose insulin interaction, and many many more nutrients involved in critical body functions. Here is a sample test report and a document listing the vital functions of key nutrients.
9.    Incorrect Exercise– Exercise is vital to maintaining ideal weight AND an appropriate body composition. The type of exercise you choose is critically important to your success or failure with weight loss and body composition. I see many well-intentioned individuals, especially females, who are exercising incorrectly and actually contributing to mid-section adiposity and burning up lean muscle as fuel! What a waste of your exercise time and efforts. PPH can customize your exercise routine for maximum effectiveness taking into account your gender, age, hormonal status, injury or injury history, and specific weight management goals. We have the only FDA approved body composition tracking device to monitor the specific body areas where you may be gaining or losing weight. See a sample report.

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