Fitness, PT, Weight Loss

Want to track your fitness and body composition in one of the most advanced ways possible? Ask for a Bioelectric Impedance Analysis Test (BIA). PPH uses an RJL BIA system. This is the only system approved by the FDA as a Class II medical device. Click here to see a sample BIA report.

Fitness is about so much more than looking good, although that is a really nice side effect! Human beings were built to move. The benefits of strength, flexibility, and aerobic capacity positivity impact all organ systems. PPH recognizes that exercise or movement comes in many forms – dance, biking, hiking, weightlifting, yoga, swimming, etc. The key is finding enjoyment in whatever you choose. With her background in exercise physiology, personal training and physical therapy, Debra will work with you to find the most enjoyable, safe, and beneficial routine(s) possible. Special populations like those with a previous injury or medical condition are not a problem. PPH will work with your trainer, refer you to a local expert, or Debra herself may get you started in your gym. Fitness programs are always combined with a food plan. As a certified nutritionist, Debra is aware of how improper eating can quickly derail desirable body composition goals and overall health goals.

PPH is equipped with standard Orthopedic Physical Therapy Equipment. Heat, ice, ultrasound, traction, massage, myofascial release, and joint mobilization are available for the patient that presents with musculoskeletal pain, imbalance, inflammation, etc. Debra has a Physical Therapy Direct Access License in Pennsylvania and therefore does not need a prescription from an MD to examine and treat your musculoskeletal symptoms.

Weight loss and health often go hand in hand. Unfortunately, many people and health professionals know very little about sustained weight loss or body composition management. PPH uses a “get healthy and then you will lose weight” approach. This is opposite to the typical “lose weight to get healthy” plan that is very often unsustainable. Diets don’t work, education and select lifestyle changes do. Fighting hunger pain doesn’t work, regulating your hunger hormones does. Did you know that just one night of disrupted sleep drops your metabolism, increases carbohydrate and caffeine cravings, and alters your hormones in a way that tells you to keep eating? At PPH the following factors are considered during your get healthy/weight loss program design: sleep, stress/cortisol, hydration, lean muscle mass, age, gender, food allergies/inflammation, exercise, medications, insulin resistance, neurotransmitter imbalances, food addiction (primarily carbohydrates), and GI function. PPH has many tests available depending on your specific health profile and weight goals. Please indicate if weight management is an area of concern on your intake form, under goals, and your consultation will be designed to evaluate the above body composition factors.