GI and Immune Systems

PPH recognizes the critical interaction between the gut or GI tract, the immune system and, for that matter, the rest of the body including the brain. Evidence-based medicine is uncovering so much valid scientific literature about the GI tract and disease that entire new fields of medical study are emerging, such as Enteric Neuroscience, Psyconeuroimmunoloy, and extensive study on the Human Microbiome. Here is a quick list of just some of the vital health contributions of our gut:

  1. 75% of the body’s neurotransmitter production
  2. Houses and aids in regulation of greater than 70% of our immune system
  3. Organizes, initiates, and coordinates the metabolism of nutrients and the process of detoxification
  4. Contains 10X more cells than the rest of the body
  5. Houses a genome 100X greater than the human genome
  6. Metabolic activity greater than the liver.

Simply stated, proper functioning and balance in the GI tract is crucial to health. The GI tract is a major contributor to many feelings of ill health and to the pathogenesis of disease. Common medical names for GI imbalance and injury are: GERD (reflux), IBS, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, diverticular disease, dysbiosis, SIBO, and constipation. Finally and most recently, the GI tract is emerging as a leading contributor to immune imbalance and possibly auto-immunity.

Much like instructing patients on proper sleep hygiene, PPH teaches patients appropriate and inappropriate nutrition and lifestyle factors that affect the health and overall functioning of the GI tract, the microbiome, and the mucosal membrane (barrier between the gut wall and the immune system). The gastric tract aids in proper digestion and absorption of food, health and adequacy of our gut flora (critical for life), and immune health and regulation. PPH has a variety of go-to specialty labs for GI dysfunction. The FIT test looks at everyday foods that are causing an immune response (IgG, all four sub-classes) and inflammation in your GI tract. This test also tells us a bit about the strength of your GI protective barrier or mucosal membrane. An Organic Acids test can provide insight to adequacy of detoxification through the liver and potential imbalance in gut microflora (dysbiosis of a bacterial and/or fungal nature.) The most informative functional medicine lab test for GI function and balance is a comprehensive digestive stool analysis. This test is a definite go to for anyone with chronic digestive disease or dysfunction and a very thorough look inside your digestive tract for those who are interested in optimal health and prevention. See the sample test in the  testing area.

PPH’s go-to correction plan for GI pathology and imbalance is called the 5R Program. Click here to learn more about the 5R GI healing program. It should be noted that a good patient history and physical exam also tells the skilled practitioner a good deal about your baseline GI health. Complete all the fields in the patient portal under the GI and Immune sections to give PPH the right information needed to guide you into having a healthier, higher functioning gut and Immune system.