Nutrition and Cellular Nutrition

PPH provides nutritional services focused on food plans and nutritional supplementation. Each plan is individually prescribed depending on your health history, current symptoms, goals, and readiness to change. If you have any doubt that nutritional adequacy plays a vital role in health and disease, please click here. To see a USDA study examining if US citizens are meeting their recommended daily intake (RDI) of essential nutrients, click here.

  1. Basic Consultation – Selecting the right “diet” for you. PPH does not do “diet” planning but instead focuses on patient education regarding how various foods effect your waistline, muscle mass, mood, hormones, and hunger patterns.
  2. Basic Consultation and review of patient’s current supplement program. Every day I see well intended patients attempting to take care of themselves with products that are unregulated, dosed incorrectly, in nonfunctional forms, and filled with excipients! Other patients have found good products but they ingest them improperly. Fat soluble needs to combine with fat to absorb, probiotics are very easy to kill prior to reaching the intestinal lining (where they live and provide numerous health benefits). Some nutrients are best in the am, others in the evening or before bedtime. This is nutritional science.
  3. Drug-induced nutrient depletion screening. What? Yes, many medications in fact decrease select nutrients in your body. This is one of the reasons we see drug “side effects.” These disruptions in metabolic pathways (functioning) can appear as symptoms years later, so we often do not relate them!
  4. Micronutrient Lab Testing – this is my favorite foundational test for health and a good starting place for many patients. A blood test that uses your white blood cells (WBC) to assess a six-month history of intracellular nutritional status (nutrients work inside the cells – kidney cell, skin cell, brain cell… all cells!) So, no guessing about how your diet, stress, medications, digestive problems, etc., may have depleted you – we just look and get the hard data. Food and supplementation is then targeted to your very specific needs!

Many patients choose to do a combination of the above services during their initial consultation.